Our organization will make an impact through three areas of action:
1. Events
To bring all sustainable finance enthusiasts together, we aim to launch a series of annual events where fellow YSF members can meet each other, connect, and get inspired by an array of guest speakers!
2. Research,
As the new generation, we feel it is OUR responsibility to divulge and spread a positive, yet realistic, message on the field of sustainable finance. For that reason, we aim to conduct research, document the key takeaways from our events, and develop content that can be shared with the wider public.
3. Consultation
We strive to become a representative of the younger generation of finance professionals. YSF will provide its own thoughts and input to roundtable discussions, and/or consultations by companies, governments and/or the media
Young Sustainable Finance (YSF)
is a non-profit organization that brings together young professionals who are passionate about sustainable finance.
- What? Become the leading young professional community in sustainable finance.
- Why? Enable young professionals to accelerate the SDGs through the power of the financial sector.
- How? Bring together young professionals in & around the field through activities such as events, research and consultations.
- Who? Young professionals who want to: 1) Exchange cutting-edge knowledge in the field of sustainable finance. 2) Be a part of a group of ambitious, enthusiastic, and like-minded people. 3) Network with experts, corporations, and other organizations in industries related to sustainable finance.

YSF is part of the Global Compact Network Netherlands´ SDG Young Leaders Network
We are the SDG Young Leaders Network's thematic group on sustainable finance, and operate as a sister organization under the SDG Young Leaders Network umbrella.
The SDG Young Leaders Network is a a young professionals network under the Global Compact Netherlands, which has the goal to act as a Sustainable Development Goals-focused connector between young professionals and their (in-company) networks in The Netherlands and beyond.
Find out more about the SDG Young Leaders Network here!
So, why should you join the YSF community and be part of the SDG Young Leaders Network?
- Joining a community of young like-minded people that are working hard towards the transition towards a more sustainable financial industry
- Participating in a series of annual events with inspiring guest speakers
- Access to a network of sustainable finance professionals and companies
- Joining a community in which your voice will be heard, not only within our community, but also externally

You can keep up to date with our community through the button below!
You sign up to YSF, by singing up for the SDG Young Leaders Network. That way you will not only hear the latest of about YSF activities, but also be made aware of other inspiring sustainability related events and opportunities.